Lit Kid Lit

Into the Land of the Unicorns

Episode Summary

Don’t tell any eight year old girls but we’re gonna be talkin’ ‘corns today. That’s right-- those big ol’ horsies with the stab-ready foreheads. As a special treat, we’re diving into the first book of The Unicorn Chronicles series by Bruce Coville, about a girl with red hair (no relation) named Cara (no relation) who has, y’know, a special destiny, and junk.

Episode Notes

Thanks for tuning in to this episode of Lit Kid Lit! If you would like your own copy of this book, you can buy Into The Land of the Unicorns herehere.  

You can find more of our friend Matt's music over on his twitter, @NiceWizardMusic. And lastly, you can follow our twitter at @LitKidPod.

Content Warnings: drowning, parental neglect and abandonment